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Things That Go Bump In The Night by Brad Steiger

A misty apparition on a lonely road. Pained wailings from a locked attic. A man beyond time in two places at once.

These are just some of the frightening and mysterious scenarios you'll discover in Things That Go Bump in the Night. Brad Steiger's collection of his scariest—and most terrifyingly true—stories. Steiger, a renowned expert on the strange and unknown, compiled these real-life tales from his extensive files and personal experiences as a paranormal researcher for more than forty years. Read hair-raising tales of a refined woman who continued to preach against vices even after her death; of three cynical scientists forced to face their beliefs about UFOs firsthand; of a man who could walk through doorways to different dimensions; and of Steiger's own experiences with a tricky ghost in his haunted farmhouse in Iowa.

Get a scare from Things That Go Bump in the Night, but be forewarned: if you read it before you go to sleep, you may need to leave the lights on.

Brad Steiger is the author of more than one hundred books on the strange and unknown. He and his wife, Sherry, lives in Forest City, Iowa, along with cats, ghosts, and Scandinavian pixies.

Things That Go Bump In The Night by Brad Steiger

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    2022 Galde Press Incorporated Hendersonville NC

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